All Lessons, Rock Band Sessions and Classes, where we travel to your home, must adhere to The Musician’s Edge Travel Fee Policy

There is a travel fee included into each client’s payment structure which will be in addition to the normal monthly tuition. This fee will be incurred ONLY if you would like the convenience of me coming to your home to teach private lessons, rock band sessions, and/or classes. Lessons at “My Home Studio” WILL NOT have a travel fee due to the client providing their own travel to my home studio.

The fee added for this convenience is $7 per visit. (ex. so for a typical (4) 30 minute lesson month, you would be looking at $140 + ($7 x 4) = $168.)
If you have more than one family member taking lessons with us and together we schedule the seperate lessons at your home one right after each other, then the fee will only be added once as I do not need to travel for the second family member. However, if we need to split the lesson time/day up, then the fee will be added per visit.